Biovertidryer™ Leasing Options:
Reduce up-front capital expenditures:
Equipment leasing can finance up to 100% of the
equipment value without impacting your existing
financial arrangements
Preserve your line of credit:
Expand your borrowing power without tying up your
bank line of credit or signing over your business to your
financial institution. Reserve your line of credit for
unexpected expenses or seasonal cash flow issues
and your long term debt capacity for future expansion
or acquisitions
Stress reduction:
No business plans or visits to the bank manager's office.
Leasing is a fixed cost and will not change over the
course of the lease contract
Seasonally adjusted payments:
Seasonal payments are available and can be adjusted
to your revenue stream
Potential tax advantages:
Lease payments are generally deductible over a period
equal to the lease term. You can control the depreciation
rate of your equipment and use it to your
advantage. Consult your accountant for compliance
with taxation guidelines